What our customers say about us...
10/10 Awesome service
- Mr I Carroll
9/10 Very efficient
- D Nuttall
9/10 Polite, prompt and overall a service I expected and received.
- Mr C McDermott
10/10 Everything from booking through completion was effortlessly easy. The service staff were perfectly mannered, positive and fantastic to deal with.
- Mr D Halliwell
We have no hesitation whatsoever in going back to Isuzu Truck and Warrington Vehicle Centre when we were looking to replace the Piletec and Mr Cropper vehicles. The Isuzus certainly earnt their money, however, we needed to up spec the new trucks to be not only FORS compliant but also LEZ compliant, with the vehicles regularly running in and out of the London conurbation. In the last four years, we have established an excellent long-standing working relationship with Warrington Vehicle Centre and this helped enormously when we were finalising the. Their knowledge of our business and their understanding of our vehicle operations was invaluable in determining the final specification.
- Darren Barton - VP PLC Operations Manager
We cannot speak highly enough of Warrington Vehicle Centre and their approach to our business. They are totally reliable and organise everything for us from start to finish, including all the bodybuilder negotiations and their account management is absolutely first-class
- David Barnes; LWC Fleet Manager